Other Accommodations
Can’t stay at Oakwood?
Check out these other great places to stay in the Penns Creek area.
Coburn on the Creek
If Oakwood on Penns Creek doesn’t fit your needs, there are other great nearby vacation rentals to consider. Our recommendation? Coburn on the Creek. It’s located about 14 miles upstream from Oakwood in the picturesque village of Coburn, home to the legendary Featherhook Flyshop. It’s owned by Craig and Maria Shroyer, who met in Asheville, NC, and then returned to PA in 2011.
The 4-bedroom, 1.5-bath cottage is situated on 10 acres of Pine Creek, a tributary of Penns Creek, prized for its wild brown trout and rainbow trout populations. With notable guests like Joe Humphrey’s, Coburn on the Creek has become a fly fishers base camp.
The property is chock full of thoughtful outdoor surprises, like three outdoor fire pits, hammocks, gardens lovingly tended to by Craig, a covered front porch, a back patio overlooking woodlands, and a streamside path that gives way to the Riffle Lounge, a secret, creekside seating area where on summer nights, a fire burns bright on an elevated fire pit situated above the water. Additional pictures and videos of the place can be found on their Instagram page.
Part BoHo sheik and part Central PA chill, the rental has a loyal following so book now, and enjoy.